Children's needs
As a common man, the basic need of children is to eat well and wear good clothes.
Apart from this, children need your love and affection.
If parents do not love children then who else will?
But love does not mean just walking around with the baby in your lap.
People also do this with pet dogs and kittens.
Love means understanding the child's feelings, emotions and taking them with him.
When the child starts going to school he still needs the guidance and support of his parents.
He also needs his father's valuable time.
If you give him at least 30 minutes throughout the day that will be enough.
In this, you ask him about his school activities.
Ask about the homework he got.
Play any game with him, listen and tell jokes and stories.
You can say that you come with work in the evening and stays with him.
This can not be the case.
But even while staying at home, if you keep watching television, reading magazines, or taking on the phone, then it can not create bone with the child.
When he has to give time, you have to give it completely.
This world is new for children.
He tries to get to know the world or surroundings.
If you have come to know the world through your experience, can you not help your child in this?
It is not necessary that you teach him worldliness, but can give him information about things found all around in simple language, you can teach good values.
Nowadays, the era has changed.
The pace of children's learning has increased.
The parents who used to learn late, nowadays, the children get to learn quickly.
So why should we not give our children good experiences?
If you do not teach him he will try to learn here and there.
A great scientist named Edison said that 2 percent motivation and 98 percent hard work is needed to become a genius.
Can you not give your child 2 percent inspiration.
If you can give, then the child will do the remaining 98 percent of hard work.
A child's life can be compared to the train and his father or mother to the signalman.
If the train is not given the right signal at the right time, then instead of going to the right station, it will go somewhere else.
A child is capable and able to work just like a train.
If he is put on the right line at the right time, then he will decide the rest of the way himself.
This is the same as giving the right signal and giving the right direction.
Just think ...
How hard and how long it will take you?
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